Immersive Experience Taxonomy

Immersive learning engages individuals in the center of the learning experience. There are many ways to create immersion, but where to you start? We created the Immersive Experience Taxonomy to answer that question.

A ranking of immersive experience based on the implementation/use of the ten factors of Immersive Learning. The ten factors are listed top to bottom and ranked from minimal immersion to total immersion. The numbers equate to the degree of immersion.

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J. J. Ruscella and M. F. Obeid, "A Taxonomy for Immersive Experience Design" 2021 7th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN), 2021

To help designers create these experiences inside immersive technologies, JJ Ruscella and Dr. Mohammad Obeid developed the Immersive Learning Taxonomy (below), supporting a Government initiative called Pathways in Immersive Technology Application in collaboration with the US Airforce, which breaks down the elements of immersion. This was developed and published through IEEE Xplore with additional development through Air Force University LDC Commanders and Dr. Andrew Clayton. These elements help designers as they make creative decisions and build the creative spaces where immersive learning takes place.

Explore the Taxonomy for Immersive Experience

Use our interactive taxonomy to evaluate recent immersive experiences or to plan new ones.