VIPC Public Safety Innovation Center Showcases Emerging Tech for First Responders at Virginia Fire and Rescue Conference
Joanne Ruscella Joanne Ruscella

VIPC Public Safety Innovation Center Showcases Emerging Tech for First Responders at Virginia Fire and Rescue Conference

The Public Safety Innovation Center (PSIC), which is a Strategic Initiative of the Virginia Innovation Partnership Corporation (VIPC), showcased a lineup of cutting-edge technology aimed at enhancing the capabilities of first responders during the recent Virginia Fire Rescue Conference (VFRC) organized by the Virginia Fire Chiefs Association (VFCA) at the Virginia Beach Convention Center.

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Deploying Immersive Learning in Healthcare
Tim Howes Tim Howes

Deploying Immersive Learning in Healthcare

Imagine a world where you could train every nurse in your hospital to do a new procedure in just 10 minutes—a world where it takes just hours for nurses to feel confident enough to apply those new skills on their own, instead of months.

Now imagine that same training being available not just for nurses and doctors, but for all hospital staff, including security guards and even patients and visitors. That's the world we're living in today, thanks to immersive learning technology. And deploying it, is easier than you may think.

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